Hello. I'd like to take a moment to welcome you to my blog about mass media communications. The irony of using a blog to debate the use of social and mass media goes without saying. But my purpose here is to get ideas and input on just how this world of digital integration has changed our society. Is it for the better? Or, have we become way too dependent and self-involved that we don't take the time to slow down and do things the traditional way. But is this new age now the "new tradition"?
When I started my academic career, let’s just say many years ago, I was so dependent on library resources, magazines and newspapers for research and information. Oh, and let's not forget those hugely cumbersome encyclopedias. In my childhood years, ours took up an entire hallway and were out of date pretty much as soon as we bought them. In any case, that was the way of the research world.
Today, I don’t even know if my children would recognize an encyclopedia, or if they have ever been introduced to a national geographic magazine (and yes, they were actually used for reading not just the pictures). Our use of the internet and social media has taken over our society. While the initial thought is that we are much more technically savvy and this is the “now” way of communications, I wonder if it has helped or hindered our way of life.
These are the things I will be discussing in my blog and hopefully I can get some insight and feedback from others. Are we now in a complete media evolution, or do you think we will ever go back to basics? Are we saying good-bye to our print industry? Are our emerging trends of social media and communications only giving us partial information and not a complete story? These are the questions that are forever plaguing my mind as I pull up my tweets and posts and pass on reading that newspaper sitting on the table, because I just don’t have the time to go through it.
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